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Easter 2019

Easter 2019

It is Easter if we wake up
in one morning and the sky is blue
and the fragance of the flouer is esuberant
and the birds singin with lots festivity.
It is Easter if we believed in God,
in the resurretion,wich we put to a cross
for redeemed our sins.
It is Easter if we visiting the poor,
oppress, the old age andthe prisons.
It is Easter if we give a hand to
our neibours fhath lost his job
and thr baby thatb lost one parent
by give a smile.
It is Easter if some politions they be
more honest and not promise
to much durant the electios.
Finilly it is Easter if we find some
change in this important feast
by be more positive filling by us
so Good will compesatedus
with lots gifts during our life.
Happy Easter to the all world.

Recitata ad una cattedrale di Bridgeport, suggerita dal vescovo Gaggiano Franco

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